Seeking Truth, Building Community, and Promoting Justice
Welcoming Congregation
We are a welcoming congregation that seeks to be a spiritual home for people of free faith. We value the full range of human diversity, including race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, affectional/sexual orientation, age, national origin, socioeconomic status, and ability.
We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional and sacred land of the Anishinaabe and Dakota people. In honor of their stewardship throughout the generations, we commit ourselves to protecting that land and working to mitigate the effects of climate change.
The St. Cloud Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is a small religious community serving the central Minnesota area. We are a welcoming congregation and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association which has more than one thousand congregations in the United States and Canada.
Our denomination has a shared set of principles to guide us rather than a prescribed creed. Each individual has an opportunity to seek their own spiritual path. Our efforts and growth are encouraged through intellectual, aesthetic, supportive and spiritual programs and activities and through discussions among members and friends.
If you are seeking an open and welcoming religious environment, please visit us and share in our fellowship.
On the first and third Sundays of each month from September to May, a Children’s Religious Education (CRE) experience, based on UU Principles, is offered for children and youth ages 5 – 16. Recent topics have included: Democracy for Dinosaurs, Insects, A Creative Expression of Thankfulness, Bullying, Beekeeping, Meditation and Racism.
A “CRE Corner” in the Sanctuary has quiet games and activities for youngsters to enjoy during the other Sundays of the month. “Time for Children” story time is offered early in the service and a nursery is available for infants and toddlers.
Sunday Services and Events
View our Calendar for more events and information.
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Join by Phone +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 946 2497 9280 Passcode: 891129
January 2025
10:30 a.m. Sunday, January 5: Exploring the UU Value: Transformation
After a brief introduction to the topic, we’ll talk in small groups, about what transformation means to us, as individuals and as a UU congregation. The shared value, Transformation, is described in Article II of the UUA Bylaws: “We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically. Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages, never complete and never perfect.”
Children’s Activity: Youngsters are invited to enjoy the Bright Bulb Kidz Korner or the Nursery with Ms. Heidi.
10:30 a.m. Sunday, January 12: Bible Basics Bootcamp – Rev. Shelley Dugan
Some people spend a lifetime trying to escape the Bible. Others could care less about it. Many are experiencing extreme religion’s attempt to force their understanding of “The Good Book” on to all areas of society. Today, we will look at the history of the Bible, how it came to be, and how it is used. We will uncover solid and surprising answers to those who declare the Bible is Inspired, Inerrant, and Infallible.
Children’s Program (CRE): Learn about meditation, relaxation and being calm. We’ll have a short time to answer questions, practice and learn some calming yoga poses. (What’s a Downward Dog anyway?) Come find out!
10:30 a.m. Sunday, January 19: It Took Courage: Eliza Winston's Quest for Freedom – Christopher Lehman
Professor Lehman will speak about his new book, which examines the life of a brave and determined woman, Eliza Winston, enslaved for over forty years and across several states. A sitting US president was even involved in her enslavement for many years. Her tenacious quest for freedom--which she finally won in 1860 in Minnesota--reveals an extraordinary depth of courage.
Children’s Activity: Youngsters are invited to enjoy the Bright Bulb Kidz Korner or the Nursery with Ms. Heidi.
10:30 a.m. Sunday, January 26: Voices from our Community: UU, Faith, and LGBTQ+ Resilience
SCUUF member Hannah Fussy hosts this program continuing the September 22 topic, "UU and LGBTQ+ Diversity". This program features members from the congregation and community who would like to share a short story about their experience as an LGBTQ+ person, or their experience supporting a loved one or friend who is LGBTQ+ identifying. These stories will be focused around intersectional experiences of being LGBTQ+ identifying and being in a faith-based community.
Children’s Program (CRE): What’s it like to be Jewish in St. Cloud? Ms. Linda Radin, friend of several of our members, and a retired speech pathologist and an early childhood special ed teacher, shares wisdom about her faith and its traditions, including her favorite culturally Jewish food. (Rescheduled from December.)